
Happy Thanksgiving!!!

I had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I hope you all did too (: here is a bit of what mine looked like:
Dinner table: Green Bean Cassorole, Turkey, Rolls, Mashed Potatoes, Cranberrys
Oh Turkey, I love you dearly!
Pretty Momma getting more gravey (:
Pumpkin Pie
Pecan Pie
Chocolate pudding pie
My Strawberry pie that fell apart trying to get it off the cookie sheet
It is reallllllly good and I got the recipie from
Okay, I am so very greatful for my wonderful, kind of insane life that goes anywhere but perfect, but I love it. My awesome family that puts up with EVERYTHING I do, I love them so dearly, and I am so thankful I get to be with them for eternity. My friends- they have gotten me through so much. I am thankful for my Father in Heaven, His son Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost. My life would be no where near what it is with out them in my life. Also, the power of prayer, and the Book of Mormon. They have blest my life so insanely much. Also, I am thankful for you lovely people who stop by and read our blog.
Also, I am soooooo thankful for Tea who is doing this with me. She is great (:

Xx Kay

P.s. Anyone going to do the whole Black Friday bit?? I never have. But, share some stories below so that I can vicariously live through your black friday-ness.

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