"We can lift ourselves, and others as well, when we refuse to remain in the realm of negative thought and cultivate within our hearts an attitude of gratitude."
-Thomas S. Monson
November is one of the prettiest months! Bright leaves mix with the evergreens. People wear coats and boots and mittens and scarves knitted by their grandmas. Fires glow and heat homes. Mugs of warm deliciousness are found in the hands of many. Everything just seems a little cozier, you know? November is also the month of Thanksgiving and we have decided we don't want to wait till the 24th to be thankful!
We want an attitude of gratitude Every. Single. Day.
SO that's what we'll be posting each day this month. One thing we're grateful for. Or two. Or three. Or four :)
Are you ready?

Tea... Spending Senior Skip Day at the mall, then on the couch watching One Upon A Time with two of my bestfriends. (If you haven't seen this show yet, go to Hulu right now. Its amazing.)
Kay... Study Hall in Personal Essay aka Talking to a cute boy non-stop for an hour. Time well spent ;)
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